Friday, July 25, 2014


Because we all need reminders of who we are, what we love, and of our commitment to living our dreams...

A year ago Wednesday while searching the web, I came across a pendant necklace of a wirewalker made by Everyday Artifact and immediately purchased it. It was simple, petite, and classy, just the kind of thing I love. With such a petite pendant—only 7/8ths of an inch across—what struck me was how the figure of the wirewalker took up only a fraction of the actual space. So much empty space gives perspective for that tiny, solitary figure: his wire is long, no ground is in sight, and he is very much alone and surrounded by space.

Most people find that sort of image a tad frightening: to be so high up, so alone, with so little margin for error. Tightrope walkers however describe that space as serene, peaceful, free. That beautiful solitude of wirewalking is what I hope to experience one day. I want the freedom of dancing in the sky.

I’ve worn that necklace at least every other day for the last year as a promise and a reminder to pursue my dream of highwire walking and my passion for balance. Looking back to where I was a year ago is interesting: I made that promise to myself even when I was still months away from starting this blog and from sharing my hopes and dreams and goals openly. Even though I bought it because I wanted to become a highwire walker myself, I didn’t quite believe that it was possible. Sometimes I still don’t quite see how it will be possible, but the desire doesn’t go away, and the necklace reminds me; it helps me keep believing and striving to fulfill that promise to myself.

Perhaps calling the necklace a talisman1 isn’t quite accurate; I don’t actually believe it has any magical powers—although the simple act of remembering certainly can be powerful. An anchor2 is perhaps a more accurate term: a reminder of this essential part of who I am and where I find joy, and even more a reminder of the promise I made to myself: the promise to let myself dream and to pursue that big, scary, almost impossible dream, to conquer great heights and vast spaces.

1 an object…that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck (Google definitions)
2 a thing that provides strength and support, holds an object firmly (Google definitions)

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